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Saint Augustine (420ac) said,
The miracles of the visible world of nature have lost their value for us because we see them continually... God does not disdain to work miracles, which he arouses the soul, hitherto preoccupied with visible things, to the worship of himself, the invisible God... He moves events in time, while himself remains unmoved by time.
Book: City of God by Augustine of Hippo
Spiritual transformation is the result of such miracles. So many! All linked to Christianity... but why?
Christianity has been attacked for centuries. As we get confused with anti-religious sites, online news, false seers, new religions, and scientific discoveries, we subconsciously evict Christianity from our lives, and we start believing that a "nice" person with a distant knowledge of God can make it to heaven. But by reason of people witnessing an incorrupt dead saint turning her back away from a committed religious nun in a state of sin, our assumption looks doubtful.
Without interference from other voices or viewpoints, we begin to solve the puzzle of Christianity by strictly adhering to the saints. Most people find three spiritual facts that saints explain unsettling:
(1) Christian denominations - Christianity is a narrow gate, testified to by at least 500 saints. Through visions, Jesus explained His sufferings at Gethsemane to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in 1820. He explained the negative impact of Christian denominations that are not Roman Catholic:
The Lord passed in review all the future suffering of the ...church... he saw heresies and schisms entering her fold, and the sin of Adam repeated by pride and disobedience in all forms of vanity and delusive self-righteousness...the deceptive subtlety of all proud teachers; the sacrilegious crimes of all wicked priests with their frightful consequences... the pretended reformers... each wanted to have a Redeemer other than he who had delivered himself through love... Jesus saw them abandoning his wounded Church like faithless children... pitching their tent far away from the true vine, wandering sheep becoming prey of wolves, straying homeless, driven by changing winds; but they would not see the house of the Church, built upon a rock...promised until the end of time, against which hell shall never prevail...they would not enter through the narrow gate...they built upon the sand perishable huts of all kinds, without altar or sacrifice, to which their doctrine were ever changing... intoxicated with self-esteem... declaring the church of the Word made flesh is invisible.
Book: The Life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Book IV: A Chronicle from the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich
As Jesus declared only one Church in His ministry (Bible Gospels, Matthew 16:18):
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.
Book: Ignatius Catholic Study New Testament-RSV by Ignatius Press
We know from history that Roman Catholic saints were killed by the protestant Anglican Christian Church (Church of England), such as Saint Thomas More (1535) and Saint Bishop John Fisher (1535), and many Catholic incorrupt bodies of saints and relics were destroyed as Churches were plundered by the schismatic Christian church. Are protestant churches and their Christian sacraments effective? And are protestants embraced by God? Jesus had already told Blessed Emmerich how He felt about schismatic Christian churches and corrupt priests. Let's then, just to be sure, corroborate this disapproval with comparable revelations from other saints.
In 1950, another Catholic saint, Saint Padre Pio, criticised those Christians who believe they can speak directly to God and receive instructions without submitting to the authority of the Pope, with dire prophetic consequences for their followers. But it was Blessed Clotilde Micheli (1883), another Catholic saint, who answered both questions with an interesting angelic apparition while she was mistakenly praying in a protestant church,
Her Guardian Angel came to her and said: Arise for this is a Protestant church. But I want to make you see the place where Martin Luther was condemned and the pain he suffered as a punishment for his pride"; Micheli saw demons who had forced Luther to his knees and confirmed he was consigned to the fires of Hell.
The final fact is that non-Roman Catholic Christian congregations are avoided by angels of God. Consequently, since protestantism is not governed by the Holy See, its sacraments are not conducive to salvation*, as supernaturally confirmed by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1820), Blessed Clotilde Micheli (1883), and Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (1950).
*Exceptions: Some churches, like the Coptic Catholic Church, are in full communion with the Catholic Church. Baptism is accepted in most denominations by the Roman Catholic Church (Canon Law).
Saint Gregory the Great (540-604) wrote of one of the first schismatic churches,
An Arian church...when it was decided to dedicate it to the Catholic faith... God helped to realize that the unclean spirit had departed from the building... from the terrible noise we can judge under what overwhelming power the Devil was forced to leave the place he had so long occupied.
Book: Dialogues by St Gregory the Great
According to the prophets of the Old Testament (800–400 BC), God was offended by Israel's sacrifices. They were distributed on hilltops behind arbitrary trees rather than at the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. The primary reason for these pride-based offenses was the animosity between the Jewish tribes from the North and the South in Jerusalem. Do you recognize this? These days, a large number of non-Roman Catholic Christian churches sell Christ as a worthless sacrifice in a variety of religions.
Is God happy with this outcome? Based on the Old Testament and Israel's destruction in 722 BC and 587 BC, I would say "no".
While pointing us to the Bible and encouraging us to love Jesus, the majority of non-Roman Catholic Christian websites ignore the real-life experiences of Roman Catholic saints. Additionally, religious fantasies on social media contribute to this self-delusional self-esteem hamster wheel by elevating the self above the other person. A stubborn will has led non-Roman Catholic Christians astray by disobeying saints esteemed by God and by embracing their own conception of the divine.
(2) Hell - Save my soul from what? Sister Josefa Menendez, in October 1923, explained:
Today I saw a vast number of people fall into the fiery pit... they seemed to be worldlings and a demon cried vociferously: 'The world is ripe for me... I know that the best way to get hold of souls is to rouse their desire for enjoyment... Put me first... me before the rest... no humility for me! but let me enjoy myself... This sort of thing assures victory to me... and they tumble headlong into hell.'
Book: The Way of Divine Love by Sister Josefa Menendez
Much of our economy is built on vanity, on helping people to maintain the right "image". Vanity springs from insecurities, either to guard a reputation, obtain praise or respect from other people; it places our focus away from God and the needs of others.
Saint Blessed Anna-Maria Taigi, in 1810, took a look into her vision sun, she saw some popes in Purgatory, few religious in Hell, and about the people that died in Rome that day,
Very few, not as many as ten, went straight to Heaven, many remained in Purgatory, and those cast into Hell were as numerous as flakes of snow in mid-winter... salvation is very difficult to speculators, to those who cause famine among the people.
Book: Wife Mother and Mystic: Blessed Anna Maria Taigi by Albert Bessieres
At that time, Italy, surprisingly, was mostly Catholic, and only a few souls were saved. Ratifying one of Mary's messages at Fatima in 1917, about a young woman of only 20 years, a friend of Sister Lucia, condemned to Purgatory until the end of time after death. Saint John Vianney in 1840 said, "Oh, my friend, good intentions! Hell is paved with them. "
A person is closer to salvation if they regularly attend a Roman Catholic church and have good status with their sacraments. Understanding combatant spiritual forces and Roman Catholic Christian values, as they clash with modern values, is beneficial. Religions that are not Christian, in my opinion, are much farther distant from the narrow gate.
(3) Other religious beliefs - In 1810, Jesus Christ conversed with Saint Anne-Maria Taigi, allowing us to extrapolate into the acceptability of other religions,
Why have a raised Napoleon? To make him the tool of My anger wherewith to chastise the iniquity of the wicked and to humiliate the proud. One wrongdoer destroys other wrongdoers.
God is allowing the plurality of religions, perhaps to vent His wrath. Although everyone has the right to free will and the ability to make educated decisions, following family customs is never a good reason to settle for less.
Saint Thomas Aquinas in 1250, said,
An untrue faith draws man's affections to an untrue representation of God, and separates him from the truth of God...Science and anything else conducive to greatness, is to man an occasion of self-confidence, so that he does not wholly surrender himself to God. The result is that such like things sometimes occasion a hindrance to devotion; while in simple souls and women devotion abounds by repressing pride. If, however, a man perfectly submits to God his science or any other perfection, by this very fact his devotion is increased.
Book: Summa Theologica by Saint Thomas Aquinas
The prophet Jeremiah (around 600 BC, 16:13) said about false gods,
So I (God) will cast you forth out of this land (Israel), into a land which you know not (Babylon), nor you fathers: and there you shall serve strange gods day and night, which shall not give you any rest.
Book: The Holy Bible: Old Testament: Douay-Rheims Version by Catholic Way Publishing
If angels from God avoid non-Roman-Catholic Christian churches, how much would they avoid non-Christian temples? Our immovable God is very much at work in the Roman Catholic Church, regardless of our own beliefs, busy progressive lives, judgments, or viewpoints. After we pass away, our genuine charity will be assessed. Most people don't think kindly of the idea that non-Roman Catholic religions are mostly founded on idolatry or human pride to appease the masses and waste our time on fake rituals.
It is difficult to dedicate oneself to a particular religion; it is even more difficult for souls entangled in non-Christian family customs to shift their views. Nevertheless, one should always respect all living beings, regardless of their religion, since they are all made in God's image and likeness. Only via the Roman Catholic sacraments can we recognize our previous transgressions, turn away from them, and really atone for them. Aware of Judas' treacherous nature, Jesus cleaned his feet in the hopes of eliciting a conversion and deliverance. Pope Francis has this regard for all religions and aspires to the same conversion. Judas will always be damned.
Our souls depend on us shunning fictitious Christian denominations and other religions. Refusing to accept facts, documented historical miracles, or turning a blind eye to them in order to maintain a prejudice makes history the most arbitrary of all sciences. This truth transcends trends, social classes, and time itself; judgments on a first-century farmer and a twenty-first-century CEO are equal, and the current mass exodus from the Roman Catholic Church has no bearing on it.